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C-Change Framework and Strategic Planning

C-Change Framework

The comprehensive vision of Roanoke County Public Schools is articulated by the C-Change Framework

When fully implemented, the C-Change Framework produces students who are Opportunity Ready to thrive beyond high school, as described in the RCPS Profile of a Graduate.

The C-Change Framework is focused on Deeper Learning and is supported by instructional Balance, Classroom and School Climate, Learning Culture, Support Services, and Professional Growth.

A long-time leader in state measures of student achievement and investment in instructional technology, Roanoke County Public Schools has aligned with groups of K-12 school districts across Virginia and the nation that are undergoing a sea change in the way curriculum, instructional design, and instructional tools are leveraged to transform the learning experience of students in all RCPS classrooms toward deeper learning: learning that is engaging and purposeful. By shifting the learning focus toward a balance between content knowledge and the equally important process of developing Opportunity Ready skills, RCPS affirms its mission to ensure students are equipped with collaborative problem-solving skills and are able to think and communicate creatively about their learning. The RCPS Profile of a Graduate was developed by stakeholders to represent the skills that graduates need to be Opportunity Ready, i.e. prepared to navigate evolving life and career pathways and successfully take advantage of the opportunities that come their way.

None of this happens within a vacuum; rather, students successfully achieve within a carefully cultivated climate and culture conducive to learning and with educators and support staff fully prepared to collaboratively meet the needs of each student. RCPS takes seriously its obligation to develop excellence in teaching and leadership and promote joint ownership of professional growth.

The comprehensive RCPS vision, values, and beliefs that serve as the foundation of what we aspire to do and the manner in which we do it are articulated in the C-Change Framework.

There are several parts that make up the C-Change Framework: