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Family Safety Pledge

Schools and teachers have been asked to secure our children’s safety in extremely difficult circumstances.  We honor and appreciate the efforts Roanoke County Public Schools is making to improve and enhance student safety.  The growing epidemic of gun violence is terrifying.  Studies show that most unintentional gun violence to American children and teens happens in their homes and communities.  While the schools have and continue to make every effort, our community is equally accountable and must take all measures possible to prevent both intentional and accidental deaths associated with the use of unsecured firearms in the home.

The goal of this Pledge is to prevent any student from having unauthorized or inappropriate access to firearms.  In taking this collective responsibility, we as a community, are upholding our part to keep our children safe.

We encourage families to print and sign the pledge below and keep it as a reminder of their commitment to helping our children stay safe.

pledge doc