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Current RCPSOnline Academy Dates:

The Fall 2024 session begins Sept 4th and ends Dec 11th

Face-to-face final assessments are scheduled for Dec 16th through the 19th

The Spring 2025 session begins Jan 15th and ends Apr 30th

Interested in RCPSOnline Academy Full-time? Click here for more information.

Interested in taking one or more online classes through RCPSOnline Academy? Click here for more information.

Click here for a list of available courses

Frequently Asked Questions

Joe LeGault

Supervisor of English and RCPSOnline

(540) 562-3900 ext. 10252

For students in grades 9-12 (some 8th grade students may qualify for certain classes):

For more than twenty years, Roanoke County Schools has offered online learning for high school students through RCPSOnline Academy. Since the very beginning of the program, we have developed a rich curriculum delivered by our own teachers. Our experience with online learning puts us in a unique position to meet the wide range of current needs.

RCPSOnline Academy classes differ from regular classes in several ways. Aside from the obvious lack of face-to-face time in a classroom, they are structured, paced, and scheduled using best practices for online teaching. Some of the key differences are:

  • The courses are largely self-paced with deadlines set by the instructor.
  • There are no set times a student must be online with the instructor.
  • Students have ready access to their instructors for help, guidance, and individual attention.
  • Every course is through our learning management system.
  • Except for a few dual enrollment courses (with VWCC), and World Language courses, most courses are completed in a semester.
  • All courses require an in-person final assessment - qualifying seniors may be exempt. 

Students take online courses for many reasons. Schedule conflicts, limited course availability at a base school, getting ahead or catching up, and even medical issues have all been reasons students have taken our courses in the past.  

NOTE:  This is an online-only program.  Students must have reliable internet access.