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The Alternative Secondary Transition Educational Program (A-STEP) looks to provide continued educational opportunities for students as a transitional program back into a comprehensive secondary school setting. A-STEP’s students may be referred from individual secondary schools for possible acceptance for transitional purposes and will include those assigned by the RCPS’s Discipline Review Team for alternative placement. A-STEP allows for continuity of educational services for students to obtain academic credit, and vocational work experience while being supported in a smaller setting. Coursework is provided via an online format through the use of Edgenuity, RCPSOnline and RCPSOnline Academy for coursework offerings. The A-STEP lead instructor and program administrator will support both students and online programming by using additional methods aimed at helping and encouraging students.

A-Step Handbook
A-Step Handbook

Michelle Lionberger
Dean of Alternative Programs
540-562-3900, x10502