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Roanoke County Public Schools supports a strong visual arts program with a staff of licensed art teachers. The curriculum for art instruction is based upon the Virginia Visual Arts Standards of Learning.

The sequential art program for the school district begins for all elementary students in kindergarten and continues through fifth grade. Each elementary art student receives approximately twenty hours of art instruction from a licensed art teacher each year.

Students identified for the Gifted Art Program may register for enrichment after school and summer programs in third through eighth grades.

In middle school and high school, students may continue their path to visual literacy through art elective courses.

Students wishing to pursue an advanced course of study in art throughout high school may apply for the Center for Visual Arts and Museum Studies, a four-year program for ninth through twelfth graders at the Burton Center for Arts & Technology

Contact Us

Sara Cubberley
Supervisor of Art
(540) 562-3900 x10322