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Gifted Art FAQ

What is Gifted Art?

  • Gifted Art is an art enrichment program for students who are identified as gifted in visual arts. There is a Fall Gifted Art program (after school, one day a week) and a Gifted Art Summer Camp program.

Who is eligible to be screened for Gifted Art?

  • Students in second grade may be screened, but are not eligible to register for a program until completion of the second grade year. Students in 3rd grade through 7th grade may be screened. An 8th grade student is only screened if they have just enrolled in RCPS and request a screening. Fall of the 8th grade year is the last Gifted Art program.

Do students test for the Gifted Art program every year?

  • Once a student is identified for the program, they remain so and receive e-mails for program offerings regardless of whether they register from year to year. If a student was not identified for gifted art based upon a screening, they can submit an appeal within the timeframe given and/or be nominated again each year. 
  • Students who move from one school to another or transfer out of and then back into RCPS also remain identified as gifted in visual arts.

Who can nominate a student for Gifted Art evaluation?

  • Any employee of RCPS or a parent of the student. 

How do I nominate a student for Gifted Art evaluation?

  • Visit the Gifted Art page of the RCPS website -- the nomination link will be available from October 1 to April 1.
  • After the nomination is made, the parent should check email for the permission-to-screen form.
  • After the permission-to-screen is complete, the parent should check e-mail for further directions regarding the drawing portion of the evaluation.

When is Fall Gifted Art?

  • Dates will be provided upon registration; but Fall Gifted Art normally runs from September through December (with possible make-up sessions in January).
  • At the elementary level, classes meet from 2:30-4:00, one day a week (the teacher chooses a consistent day --- for example, every Tuesday).
  • At the middle school level, classes meet from 3:30-5:00, one day a week (the teacher chooses a consistent day --- for example, every Tuesday). 
  • The cost of this program is usually $75.
  • Student artwork from Fall Gifted Art is usually on display at the school board office from February to March, with a reception for families on the last day of the show. All important dates are communicated with those who are registered for the program.

When is Gifted Art Summer Camp?

  • Usually, summer camp is held in the two weeks following the end of school.
  • Students may only choose Week 1 or Week 2.
  • The location and times are provided upon registration.
  • Transportation is not provided.
  • The cost of this program is usually $75.
  • Students take their artwork home at the end of the week.