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SRA Program Information


Roanoke County Public Schools logo
Roanoke City Public Schools
Salem City Schools logo

Information for Business/Industry

Businesses willing to partner with the school system and Virginia Dept. of Labor & Industry (VDOLI).

In order to incorporate your business into the student registration process, your business should be in place through VDOLI and partner school system criteria by December of the year that precedes the next school year (i.e. by December 2022 for the 2023-2024 school year).

Information for Parents/Students

Expressing interest in the SRA process should begin with normal course registration via guidance counselors in January/February of the year prior to the beginning of the desired apprenticeship.

A commitment to maintaining good grades in school and working part-time at the business under specific VDOLI regulated conditions toward becoming a highly-trained and credentialed employee of said business.

The process of being selected includes (not limited to) students being screened by school system officials to ensure graduation requirements can be met and an interview by the business.

Time may be spent at the industry site during at least part of the school day.