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Header - Client: Exam Days


In this section, a client-side script is provided to offer information about the current day and the next school or exam day. This JavaScript program relies on input data concerning school holidays, days off, and exam days.

  1. Start of the School Year Date (updateStartOfYearDate): This variable can be modified to reflect the actual start date of the school year. For example, if the school year starts on September 1st, 2024, the client can change the date like this: 
    var updateStartOfYearDate = new Date("2024-09-01");
  2. List of Days Off (updateListOfDaysOff): This list contains pairs of dates and descriptions of days off. The client can add, remove, or modify days off and their descriptions. Each date should be in the format "YYYY-MM-DD", and the description can be any string. For example, to add another day off on December 1st, 2024, with the description "National Holiday", the client can do this:
    var updateListOfDaysOff = [
        new Date("2024-05-12"), "Parent-Teacher Conferences",
        new Date("2024-10-04"), "Fall Break",
        new Date("2024-12-01"), "National Holiday"

  3. List of Exams (updateListOfExams): This list contains pairs of dates and descriptions of exams. Similar to the list of days off, the client can add, remove, or modify exams and their descriptions. For example, to add another exam on June 15th, 2024, with the description "Mathematics Exam", the client can do this: 
    var updateListOfExams = [
        new Date("2024-05-13"), "Final Exam for Subject X",
        new Date("2024-10-05"), "Final Exam for Subject Y",
        new Date("2024-06-15"), "Mathematics Exam"


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Education Foundation Donation Circles

The Roanoke County Public Schools Education Foundation would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to the following individuals, groups and businesses that have provided financial support for the Foundation.  If you are interested in supporting the RCPS Education Foundation, you can make a contribution online or send a check to the RCPS Education Foundation, 5937 Cove Road, Roanoke, VA 24019

2022-2023 Contributions

Deanna Gordon Circle ($10,000 & above)

Roanoke County Public Schools

Bayes E. Wilson Circle ($5,000-$9,999)

Carilion Clinic

Glenvar High School

Southern Team Automall 


Arnold R. Burton Circle ($2,500 to $4,999)

Steven Huffman

Johnson Orthodontics 

Member One Federal Credit Union


Herman L. Horn Circle ($1,000 to $2,499)

Ally Financial Inc.

American Endowment Foundation

Blue Ridge Beverage Co Inc 

Carl Bentley

Alvin Board

Delta Dental of Virginia 

Froehling & Robertson, Inc.

Kim Hale 

Doris Higginbotham

Lionberger Construction

Magnets USA 


Roanoke College


The Branch Group, Inc 

Vistar Eye Center, Inc.

Guynn Waddell 

Dr. Bayes Wilson

John Wilson

Mike Wray

Douglas Nininger Circle ($500 - $999)


Nancy Chewning

John Dresser

Michael Florek

Glenvar Middle School PTO

Joseph Higginbotham

Gerald Holmes 

Tammy Newcomb


Jodi Poff

Helen Starkey


Virginia Association of Counties

David Wymer

Roland E. Cook Circle ($250 to $499)

Empower Retirement

Fort Lewis Elementary

Freedom First

Chuck & Michelle Lionberger

Sam & Rindy Lionberger 

Rachel Lower 

Mountain View Real Estate, LLC 

Sublett Pearson PLC

Dr. Kenneth Nicely

Dr. Rhonda Stegall

Dr. Richard Turner 

R.C. Stearnes Circle ($100 to $249)

A Few Old Goats 

Brenda Agee

Arrin Alaniz

Stephanie Burris

Jim Bradshaw

Sara Cubberley

Cheryl Facciani

Melanie Fisher

Dr. Corie Franklin

Beth Grim

Julian Harf

Stephanie Hogan

Christian Kish

Leanne Leftwich

Dr. Paul Lineburg

Northside High School 

Charlsie Pafford 

Susan Peterson 

RCPS Central Office Hospitality Fund

Ryan Reynolds

Heather Riganti 

Tidy Services 

Kimberly Smith

Joshua Whitlow