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Glen Cove and W.E. Cundiff Elementary Renovations

W.E. Cundiff Groundbreaking

Glen Cove Elementary Groundbreaking

December 7, 2023

Glen Cove elem. conceptual rendering
The Roanoke County School Board has selected a proposal submitted by Branch Companies, RRMM Architects and Balzer & Associates to construct a new career and technical education center,  and renovate and expand Glen Cove and W.E. Cundiff elementary schools.
Initially, three proposals were submitted.  An initial review committee evaluated all three proposals and recommended two to advance to a more detailed presentation phase.  A second review committee evaluated the two detailed proposals and recommended the board approve the Branch group proposal.
The entire project will cost $130 million dollars with $80 million dedicated to build the new CTE center and $50 million to renovate and expand the two elementary schools.  

“The funding for this project was the result of a memorandum of understanding between the Roanoke County School Board and the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors earlier this year to provide $130 million to allow these projects to start as soon as summer 2024 with a possible completion date of summer-fall 2026,” said Brent Hudson, chairman of the Roanoke County School Board.  “We thank the Board of Supervisors for working with us to move these projects forward quickly,” Hudson said.

Renovations and expansions at Glen Cove and W.E. Cundiff elementary schools will include removal of outdated open concept classrooms, which will allow for more effective instruction and greater opportunities for interactive, hands-on instruction.  

W.E. Cundiff conceptual rendering
“We are very excited to move forward with these much needed projects,” said Dr. Ken Nicely, superintendent of Roanoke County Public Schools.  “This announcement is the culmination of a lot of work, planning and preparation.  Our staff has put in countless hours of advance work to identify what we need to include in the new CTE center and what improvements we need to make at Glen Cove and W.E. Cundiff elementary schools,” said Dr. Nicely.   
“We’re looking to start these projects this coming summer and that wouldn’t have been possible without the support of the School Board, Board of Supervisors and Citizens Advisory Committee.  We are very thankful for their partnership in helping us identify the site, scope, and funding to get these projects underway,” Dr. Nicely said.

By the Numbers

Glen Cove Elementary

  • Total Square Feet: 66,046
  • Estimated Project Cost: $26,985,330

W.E. Cundiff Elementary

  • Total Square Feet: 75,026
  • Estimated Project Cost:  $29,946,814

Construction Started:  Summer 2024
Estimated completion:  Fall 2026

W.E. Cundiff Elem. Groundbreaking - Aug. 28, 2024

Glen Cove Elem. Groundbreaking - Sept. 4, 2024

Glen Cove Rendering

W.E. Cundiff Rendering