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About the Gifted Program

The mission of Roanoke County Public Schools is to ensure quality learning experiences designed to equip all students with the skills to adapt and thrive in a changing global environment.

Beliefs and Assumptions

  • All children can learn.
  • The individual school controls enough variables to assure that virtually all children can be motivated to learn.
  • A school's stakeholders are the most qualified people to implement needed changes.
  • School-by-school change is the best hope for reform.

It is the mission of Roanoke County Public Schools that identified gifted and talented students are afforded the opportunity to participate in experiences which meet their wide range of needs and challenge their abilities.

Gifted and talented students are those students who possess unique talents and/or superior abilities that differ profoundly from those of their peers. Recognizing that gifted students come from diverse backgrounds, the identification process is multifaceted and relies upon a variety of objective and subjective data. In order for gifted students to maximize their potentialities and to foster their pursuit of lifelong learning, differentiated programming will be provided to nurture their academic and socio-emotional growth and development.

The gifted staff of Roanoke County Public Schools is committed to providing gifted learners at the elementary level with an instructional program, provided along a continuum, which develops critical, creative and evaluative thinking skills as well as algebraic thinking and creative problem-solving. At the middle school level, gifted learners will further develop problem-solving skills and, in addition, explore social issues with a focus on skills of leadership and effective communication.

Utilizing a cluster/resource model, the gifted staff works within the RCPS model of inclusion by collaborating with classroom teachers and school administrators to facilitate the implementation of appropriately differentiated curriculum and instruction strategies to challenge high-ability learners to realize their full potential.