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Delivery of Services

AREA OF GIFTEDNESS: General Intellectual Aptitude (K-12)

Within the framework of the SOL curriculum, classroom teachers in grades K – 12 differentiate instruction to provide appropriately challenging learning experiences for gifted students. Through the use of flexible grouping models and other differentiation strategies such as tiered assignments, classroom teachers differentiate content, process and product based on readiness, interest, and learning style.
At the elementary level, the gifted resource teachers plan activities that work within the Roanoke County Schools Elementary Gifted Scope and Sequence. The Elementary Gifted Scope and Sequence outlines four strands of instruction:  convergent thinking, divergent thinking, visual/perceptual thinking, and evaluative thinking. Within those strands, instruction is continuous and sequential across the grade levels.
At the middle school level, the gifted resource teachers plan activities that work within the Roanoke County Schools Middle School Gifted Scope and Sequence. The Middle School Gifted Scope and Sequence offers five strands for instruction: group dynamics/communication, qualities of leadership, social issues, decision-making, and problem solving. Within those strands, instruction is continuous and sequential across the grade levels.

AREA OF GIFTEDNESS: VPA - Visual Arts (3-12)

  • After school programs with at least twenty instructional hours are offered for students identified as artistically gifted in the third through eighth grades.
  • Summer camp programs with twelve instructional hours are offered for students identified as artistically gifted in the third through eighth grades.

For more information regarding delivery of services for students identified in the General Intellectual Aptitude category, please contact the gifted resource teacher for your child's school. (see Contact Us link on the Gifted Department home page.)

For more information regarding delivery of services for students identified in the Visual Arts category, please contact Ben Williams, or 540 562-3900 x.10257