Glenvar High School
Transcript of the Glenvar High School graduation 2020
MASTER GHS graduation script for CC
Hello, I’m Ken Nicely, superintendent of Roanoke County Public Schools. I want to welcome you to this online graduation for Glenvar High School. We all wish we were celebrating your success in person, however nothing can take away from the tremendous pride we feel for each and every one of you.
Think of this online edition as part one for graduation.
Later this summer or fall, we hope we can recognize our graduates in-person. Until then, we are going to do the next best thing so that our seniors officially graduate on time. I want to extend my sincere congratulations to each and every one of our graduates.
The class of 2020 has become the most resilient class ever in Roanoke County Public Schools and I’m incredibly proud of how all our students have weathered this current pandemic.
I look forward to the day when we will celebrate your success in person.
And now, it’s my pleasure to introduce the Glenvar High School class of 2020.
Hello. I’m Corie Franklin, principal of Glenvar High School. On behalf of everyone at Glenvar High School, I am pleased to welcome you all to our 2020 commencement ceremony – part 1. We would like to thank the members of the Roanoke County School Board and members of our central office staff for their support.
Most especially, welcome and congratulations to our graduates and their families. This is a wonderful time of celebration for everyone, but above all, for you our graduates. Through your talent, hard work, accomplishment, and determination, you have earned this moment of recognition, reflection, and celebration.
This is not how we imagined we would be celebrating the class of 2020. After four years comprised of late nights, study sessions, Friday night football, cheering student sections, powder puff, spirit plug competitions, and Groovy Teens…. We are supposed to be doing this together. Here on Highlander Field, surrounded by our friends and family. Instead, drive by’s have taken on a whole new meaning.
It is ok to be upset about all of the changes that have occurred this spring. This is an unsettling time for all of us. Nevertheless, when history looks back on this time, how will we be viewed? Will we let this crush us? Or, will we keep moving forward? Personally, I want to approach this just like one of my favorite movie characters of all times, the great Indiana Jones. Have you heard there is a new movie coming this fall? I love Indy. He is a scientist, and a scholar. He does his homework before tackling a problem. He loves history. He knows several languages. He is adventurous! He takes risks. He is always trying to stop the bad guys from taking and misusing great historical artifacts. My favorite thing about Indy however, is that no matter how many times he seems defeated; no matter how many times it looks like he is going to lose a fight; no matter how many times he gets pushed off a truck, or locked in a cage or with pit of snakes: no matter how bad it seems, he never, ever quits or gives up. He is the epitome of resilience and perseverance!
And these are two of the most important traits a person can have. Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Perseverance is the persistence in doing something despite difficulty. You, the graduating class of 2020 have these qualities.
You are like diamonds! I am sure you remember from science class that diamonds are born of coal. When under pressure for a long period the coal becomes a diamond; a precious gem and the strongest substance found in nature. The same thing is true of people. When we face challenges in life, and approach them with the belief that they will make us stronger and more resilient, that is exactly what happens.
Martin Luther King Jr. once said “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
Everyone faces obstacles. What matters is how you deal with them. Some break through them with their sheer will and others give up. The choice is entirely yours… and you chose to push through.
You did not let the challenges of the past two months stop you from achieving your goal of graduating!
So here we are. It is time to say goodbye. However, I think goodbyes are sad and I would much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure. Your own adventure. To the Glenvar High School graduating class of 2020: embrace your resilience; continue to persevere; and take risks…Indiana Jones style! Congratulations Seniors!
Hello, I’m Grace Blount. Welcome friends, family, faculty, staff, and most importantly Class of 2020. High school has been a rollercoaster of emotions and events. It has thrown us left, right, down, and up. As we grow older we will remember laughing until our stomach hurts at Groovy Teen, how competitive Powderpuff gets, and the first time walking into an assembly as a senior. During those moments we aren’t defined by the cliques we associate with, the level of classes we take, or our social status, but instead we are one unit, one class.
With rollercoasters, there comes many emotions; excitement, fear, adrenaline, and a feeling of reluctance when it’s time to get off the ride. Those emotions determine how our day goes, our week goes, our semester goes, and finally the school year. How we address those emotions determine how ultimately we will remember the ride.
The High School roller-coaster has definitely thrown us some loops. We have experienced the ups when we beat last year’s senior class in football, winning the spark plug our sophomore year and as we celebrated the ribbon cutting of our beautiful new track and field. We experienced the downs as we lost to the juniors in powderpuff, when that last football game was played at home this year, and most importantly, when our senior year was abruptly cut short with no warning – keeping some of us from experiencing our senior sports season, visiting our elementary alma mater to parade through the halls one last time, celebrating together on senior field day, and most importantly, saying goodbye in our own way as we each knowingly walked out those doors for the last time as a student. This year ended in a way none of us could have predicted.
That is the greatest adversity this class has been through, and we have all been through it together – as one. But I do know something about the class of 2020 - we are resilient. We are not going through this alone. The faculty, staff, and entire Glenvar community has stood by our side to help us as well. We had our elementary teachers drive around neighborhoods honking their horns, Facebook has been flooded with pictures of our graduating class showing support and love. There has been lawn signs and banners hung up for the community to see. Our teachers have been staying in contact with us, showing love and making sure we are okay. Having our senior year cut short is hard to grasp. I’m going to miss hearing Mrs. Jenkins telling me we can get through the day. I’m going to miss talking to Mrs. Brookshier in the mornings about what’s happening in my life. I’m going to miss being in AP Physics with Mr. Florek and him randomly saying, “Let’s do this live” as he grabs a bowling ball out of his closet.
I look back though blessed to have gotten to experience all those things, especially racing cheese down a hill as Luca and Nathan Vlog in Florek’s class – if you know, you know. Our graduating class was born during a tragic time for our country and now we are leaving our childhood and entering adulthood during a pandemic. That has not stopped this group in front of me from looking toward the future, however different it may now look. And I know for this group, the collective experiences of our past has prepared us for success in that future in a way no other class has had.
For those of you who know me well, you know that I have a love for Disney. So in the spirit of Walt Disney, I will close with my favorite quote by him - “Around here, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious… and curiosity carries us down new paths.” I wish y’all success beyond measure as your curiosity leads you down which ever path you choose. Congratulations Class of 2020!
Hello, teachers, classmates, friends, and family. My name is Emma Stanley. When I found out I was going to be given the opportunity to write a speech for my graduation, I was excited. I knew I didn’t want to write the normal graduation speech where they talk about a famous quote or talk about how far we’ve come, because that’s what a normal graduation speech is always about, and we are not a normal class.
We, out of all the classes, have had so many “firsts” here at Glenvar High School, which sets us apart from any other class. We were the first class to have all four years in the new high school building after the re-construction. We were the first class to be able to watch football games on the new field. We are the first class, probably ever, to have the end of our senior year taken away by a global pandemic. We were one of the first classes to have Dr. Franklin as principal. Another first, that is embarrassing for me, is when I somehow managed to break the high jump bar in track practice as a freshman, and Mr. Swanson said, “I’ve never seen that happen before.”
We also have accomplished so many things in the past four years and have so many different people with different passions. This year, we had senior girls on the swim team win states. We have had members of the track team take part in team races and win state titles. We have had people in the choir and in band going and competing places. We had two seniors in DECA club go to states this year. We’ve had students on the academic team competing and students on FBLA going out and competing, and so many more clubs and organizations that our class was a part of in the past four years.
This makes us stand out, but not only in high school, in life. These past four years have shaped us into who we are today, and who we will be tomorrow. We have so many memories together at Glenvar High School and we will never forget them. My most memorable moment is our sophomore year during homecoming week. We had finished sitting in our hall that we had decorated and decided to walk through the halls blaring the song, “Me Too”, by Meghan Trainor. We sang it all the way from the hall we decorated up to Mrs. Franco’s room, where she proceeded to say, “They’re gonna kill me for that!” I’m sure we all have that one most memorable moment from the past four years that we will never forget.
Those memories and the experiences we have had made us who we are now and will help us continue to be a class of firsts outside of high school. Maybe the first female president is in our class or the first person to land on Mars. There are so many opportunities in life and I think our class has so much determination and passion for things that if we put our minds to it, we can accomplish it. Our teachers, parents, friends and family have watched us grow up into who we are today.
We are a class who can accomplish any task given to us. We are problem solvers and passionate about what we want to do. Now, just because we are leaving what has been our normal lives for the past 17 or 18 years, and going onto something new, we cannot forget to stay focused and be who Glenvar has shaped us to be.
When I think of Glenvar, I think of the faculty and the building we were in, but mostly about the mountains that surrounded us. As it says it Psalm 121, “I lift my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” This bible verse reminds me of being at football games or walking the track in gym class and looking around and seeing the mountains that surround us. This serves as a reminder that the Lord is always with us wherever we go and will help you whenever you need that extra push.
I would like to thank all of the teachers and staff at Glenvar who have helped us get to where we are today. I would also like to thank our parents for continuing to push us and help guide us through life whenever we needed an extra nudge. I would also like to thank you all, the senior class, for making these past 13 years so fun and memorable. So to the class of 2020, let’s continue to be strong when things don’t go our way, to be determined, to be focused, to never let anything discourage us from our dreams, but most of all, let’s continue to be that class of firsts. Thank you.
Hello class of 2020! I’m Nick Jenkins. When I imagined our graduation, I never in a million years believed that this is how it would go. I can’t believe I’m talking into a camera addressing you guys right now, I’d much rather see all of you guys off in person.
Have you ever watched a really good Netflix series? One that makes you binge watch it nonstop until you finally finish it? That series for me was the Office. I can remember the first time I watched it all the way through. A few summers ago, my sister introduced me to the show and told me that everyone was watching it, and that it was a huge hit. At first I was skeptical because how can a show about a paper company be entertaining? But the more I watched, the more invested I was. I was anxious the entire time I was watching; wondering if Jim and Pam were going to get married, what Michael Scott was going to do next, and what prank Jim would pull on Dwight. Those nine seasons really flew by after that, and all I could do was rush on to the end to see how the whole thing wrapped up.
After countless nights of binge watching, I finally finished the series and felt sad. Even though I enjoyed the ending of the show, I was sad because it was over and I’d have to find another show to occupy my 1-3am hours. When I look back on the show, I am reminded of the little things along the way that made the show better. Any time I think of a little moment or joke from there, I give a small smile because I miss having an amazing show to watch like this. I know there won’t be another season of the Office coming, so I have to appreciate the seasons that are already here. This is the approach that we seniors should look at our senior year. I know losing the final nine weeks is rough, especially for spring athletes. Many athletes trained hard to prove themselves one last season and are now untested. There is this empty feeling in me that yearns for closure and to show the world what Glenvar can do. When schools cancelled spring sports I was devastated.
But the more I thought about it, I realized I made amazing memories in the other three years that will be cherished. From almost getting in a team fight with Floyd to beating Galax for the first time ever I will not look back on my high school varsity career with sadness, but with happiness. There is a quote by Ernest Hemingway that goes like this, “It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” This quote to me is very inspirational and helps look at life from a different angle. Even though we never got our final nine weeks of senior year you can look back at our other years in high school with fondness. I personally would not trade a minute of the last three years to get back our final senior year. Wherever you may be next year, don’t look back on what could have been the final bit of senior year. Remember all the good times spent throughout the course of High school. All the student sections, pep rallies, groovy teens, and even long drives you take with friends. Don’t be sad because it’s all over. Be glad that it happened.
While it is hard to do, we must press on. There are bigger and better things to be attained and life moves fast. Our high school journey has come to an end, and it’s time to move to the next task. Whether that’s college, the military, or straight into the workforce, we are prepared and ready to face the next challenge that comes to us. This is one of the hardest goodbyes I’ve ever said, and I will surely miss everyone, faculty included. I know I will see you all again someday but until then I will leave you with another quote that I once heard from a good friend. “Sometimes the road of life takes an unexpected turn and you have no choice but to follow it to end up in the place you are supposed to be.” Thank you everyone, and congrats class of 2020!
Please join us in honoring our graduates as we present their diplomas.
Frances Olivia Adams
Avery Dale Alexander
Jordan Ronald Alexander
Cody Lee Allen
Noah Skyy Francisco Alls
Jaden Christopher Asbury
Julius Damone Asbury
Michael Bryan Ayers
Edward Orion Ball
Natalie Alexandria Barbour
Heather Marie Bates
Rachel Nicole Bates
Hannah Marie Bell
Noah James Benn
Tianna Veronica Berkel
Grace Elizabeth Blackwell
Hunter Lee Blankenship
Grace Madison Blount
Michael Allen Bockey
Nathan Glenn Booth
Jamie Marie Burton
Emanuel Zymek Burwell
Eleni Elsie Butzer
Carsen Andrew Ercel Cain
Jakob Donald Chaney
Sarah Anne Clark
Hayleigh Ruth Coleman
Kevin Brandon Coleman
Gavin Leon Curfiss
Elizabeth Lee Dameron
Robert Lee Dascenzo III
Sarah Nicole Davis
Alyssa Nicole Dickinson
Jasmine Nicole Eaton
Taishaunah Elizabeth Finley
Eva Sofie Flaaten Stokkan
Haley Elizabeth Fletcher
Kacey Michelle Floyd
Jayla Lynn Fuhrman
Kaid Philip Fuhrman
John Maxwell Gard
Macy Kate Garner
Cody Lane Gibson
Luca Toschi Gustafson
Jacob Thomas Hager
Bailey Parker Hall
Jessica Lynn Harrah
Haley Nicole Hartz
Dakota Wayne Hensel
Zachary Ryan Herndon
Haley Madison Hylton
Jillian Joyce Hoffert
Robert Edwin Holliday
Collin Montgomery Hughes
Alexus Lokela Israel
Adren Carson Jacobs
Nicholas Paul Jenkins
Rieley Carter Jinkens
Tyler Robert Johnson
Justin Tyler Journell
Brendan Thomas Killeen
Brianna Grace King
Kyra Lorraine King
Christy Amber Lauzon
Cameron Bailey Lawrence
Angela Danielle Lee
Cameron Vanessa Lineberry
Bradey Marshall Loder
Chloe Noel Lovelace
Calvin William Loverude
Flaminia Manente
Elaine Faith Martin
Emorie Addison McClintic
Alyssa Desiree Meadows
Levi Nathan Meadows
Brennen Alexander Micheal
Tyler Scott Miller
Rafid Mirza
Logan Edward Moore
Brooklyn Marcia Moorman
Logen Alexander Mowles
Erika Dawn Murrill
Charles Hunter Neal
Madisenne Michelle Newman
Gemma Elena Ortega
Hanish Dilipkumar Patel
Alexander Thomas Perdue
Aidan Brentley Perkins
Lauren Elizabeth Peters
Jacob Michael Pomerleau
William James Pratt
Abbey Grace Price
Savanna Haley Price
Makenna Elizabeth Prillaman
Alexander Riley Pruitt
Jacilyn Rachael Pruitt
John Edward Pruitt
McKenzie Paige Pulliam
Robert Cecil Radford
Shaela Nicole Radford
Matthew Colt Reid
Peyton Davis Richey
Christopher Shawn Ricks
Levi Benjamin Rider
Glory Jean Rogers
Katie Lynn Rupe
Rhiannon Chase Salyers
Nicholas Mark Sebolt
Caleb Dean Shelton
Austin Wayne Shively
Gabriel Granville Simmons
William Campbell Simmons
Christian Scott Smith
Emileigh Jo Ann Smith
Kendra Marie Smith
Matthew Owen Smith
Brianna Nicole Sowers
Allison Claire Sprunger
William Thomas Stacy
Emma Danielle Meredith Stanley
Emma Grace Stanley
Ridge Matthew Thomas Stanley
Kaysie Nicole Steele
Aubree Denee’ Strausbaugh
James Colby Street
Peyton Andrew Taliaferro
Brooke Lauren Taylor
Reid William Taylor
Meghan Elizabeth Thompson
Georgia Faith Trent
Amber Star Troutt
Kayla Orion Troutt
Levi Thomas Waldron
Chloee Leanne Walker
Cameron Lee Walters
Nathaniel David Watt
Stephen Gage Weddle
William Churchill Wilkinson
Noah Lawrence Willard
Garrett Matthew Williams
Jonathan David Witmer
James Alexander Woods
Johanna Catherine Yando
Payton Renee Young
Class of 2020, seniors, please rise.
And now, by the authority granted me by the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Roanoke County Public Schools, I affirm that you are graduates of the Fourty-seventh Glenvar High School graduating class, with all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities therein bestowed.
Congratulations! You may now move your tassels from right to left.
Please join me in the singing of our alma mater.
Congratulations to all the high school graduates out there. My name is coach Bennett and I’m the head coach at the University of Virginia, and I’m sincerely wishing you the best, whether it’s going on to college or whatever you’re going to do – a job well done to get through high school, and you guys are our future. We need you, and I know the future’s bright, so again, I wish you the best, and congratulations on this impressive accomplishment.
Congratulations Northside class of 2020! You’ve worked hard to achieve your goals. Chased your dreams with effort, passion and hard work. In the words of country singer Tim McGraw, always stay humble and kind.
Hey Roanoke County grads class of 2020, this is Tiki Barber, Cave Spring High School class of 1993. Now it goes without saying that this last semester of your senior year has been anything but ideal, but you persevered, and you should be commended for that. It’s not easy missing all your spring activities or doing your homework from your bedroom or kitchen table but let me add my voice to the many who are going to tell you how proud they are. You guys succeeded through something very, very difficult. Congratulations and good luck to all of you in your future endeavors. I know that success will be right around the corner. Be well and stay safe.