William Byrd High School
Transcript for the William Byrd High School graduation 2020
Hello, I’m Ken Nicely, superintendent of Roanoke County Public Schools. I want to welcome you to this online graduation for William Byrd High School. We all wish we were celebrating your success in person, however nothing can take away from the tremendous pride we feel for each and every one of you.
Think of this online edition as part one for graduation.
Later this summer or fall, we hope we can recognize our graduates in-person. Until then, we are going to do the next best thing so that our seniors officially graduate on time. I want to extend my sincere congratulations to each and every one of our graduates.
The class of 2020 has become the most resilient class ever in Roanoke County Public Schools and I’m incredibly proud of how all our students have weathered this current pandemic.
I look forward to the day when we will celebrate your success in person.
And now, it’s my pleasure to introduce the William Byrd High School Class of 2020.
Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to the William Byrd High School Class of 2020 Graduation Ceremony! I would like to personally say thank you to our teachers, administrators, and parents who have worked so hard to maintain a great school year and adjust quickly to the unexpected changes to the course of the year, concerning the pandemic; we appreciate you all not only for your resilience and determination, but also for who you are as a people.
What a school year we have been through! Despite all the stress and worry we have dealt with throughout the past two months, we still made it! We have finally arrived to the day we have dreamt about for the past 13 years of our lives! As you all sit here in your cap and gown, always remember this moment as recognition of your hard work. Time really does fly when you’re making memories.
As each of us receives our diplomas today, I encourage each of you to use it as a source of motivation. A motivation to reach for the best in our lives at all times. No matter the circumstances we may face always seek out the positivity. Winston Churchill once said, “The Pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The Optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” As terriers, I believe we are the optimists; we are the ones who should always look for the best in everything. I believe that these last two months have taught us this very well and that we should use it as motivation to reach for success in every situation.
I would like to conclude by honoring a man who is very special to the hearts of many sitting in here right now, especially some of our parents, teachers, and administrators who had the chance to be led by this individual. Robert Alexander Patterson, a former principal of William Byrd High School, who recently passed after a decline in health, was a great, great man. In honor of Robert A. Patterson, we would like to dedicate this ceremony to him. Please join me in a moment of silence in remembrance of Mr. Patterson.
Without further adieu, let’s get this graduation going! Let’s have a great time and as always be more dog!
On behalf of the class of 2020, I welcome you to William Byrd High School’s 97th commencement ceremony. Seated on stage are Mr. Alan Moore and Mrs. Marcee Cook our assistant principals and Mr. Travis Anderson, Dean of Students.
Tonight’s commencement is dedicated to Mr. Bob Patterson, former principal of William Byrd High School from 1965-1999. Mr Patterson recently passed away. He was my principal through-out high school and I am grateful that you all had the opportunity to meet the man whom our football stadium is named after during the field dedication ceremony in 2018. He was able to do the first coin toss during first game played on the new turf in the stadium. As a senior Mr. Patterson gave me one of his golden attitude pins. He was a man who modeled this attitude and I encourage the class of 2020 to do the same. The staff of William Byrd High School wore a golden attitude pin today during our drive through graduation as a reminder of Mr. Patterson’s legacy but also to remind all of us that doing for others is the Golden Way. I want to thank Mr Patterson’s family for sharing their dad with the Vinton Community for so many years.
The class of 2020, is the PERFECT CLASS, We started this journey together when you entered WBMS as 6th graders. You crossed the parking lot with me when I became principal of William Byrd High School your freshman year. It has been a fast seven years. I have treasured our time together. At the very first senior class meeting this year, I asked you to lead by example; to always be someone who makes being a Terrier a reason to be proud and You did That! From our days of cheering in the Dog Pound, creating a new THEME song, THE HUM, where everyone stood and cheered using our Terrier moves to get our team pumped and ready to play, to riding in the parade to honor the class of 2020, it has been a memorable journey. John and Lexi, you both exceled as Dog Pound Leaders . Our Dog Pound was awarded the most spirited by Channel 10. Great JOB! The celebrations of the accomplishments of our classmates, and the sadness we shared of losing one of our classmates, Levi, in 8th grade, The Class of 2020, has bonded together supporting each other through all the trails and tribulations you’ve experienced. You have experienced a PANDEMIC, you will persevere, learn to adjust, value little things many of us always took for granted. Whether you have chosen to go to college, the work place or the military, William Byrd High School has equipped you with the skills needed to be successful. Graduation is a milestone that no one can take away from you. But its just a beginning. Use what you have learned. Recognize the challenges you have overcome. Continue to strive to achieve and most importantly always be kind to one another and help those who are less fortunate. Parents on behalf of William Byrd High School I say thank you for your continued support of your student and of William Byrd High School.
The class of 2020, you have accomplished much in the last four years. This year’s senior class has 261 graduates, of which 162 are wearing gold tassels symbolizing a grade point average of a 3.0 or higher and you are recognized today as honor graduates, we have 42 students with a 4.0 grade point average or higher and will be recognized as valedictorians, and We have __146__ students earning an advanced diploma.
Obtaining your Eagle Scout is an achievement that few obtain: Congratulations to Christopher Kunc, and Adam Schneider who earned Eagle Scout ranking. For girls, the highest scouting award to earn is the Gold Award and we have one student who obtained this rank, congratulations Chelsea Doss.
We have five students who will serve our nation in the United States Armed Services: At this time I would like to recognize these individuals and let them know how proud we are for making the commitment to serve:
We are proud of
Jonathan Davis and Jaylen Baggatta who will be serving in the United States Army
Mason Gunn and Christina Reamey will be serving in the United States Navy.
The final student is Bryce Corkery, who I am proud to announce was accepted to United States Military Academy at West Point. Congratulations!
We have a senior who received her associate’s degree through Va Western while completing the requirements of graduation from High School: Congratulations, Auria Martin!
We have one student who will be attending Princeton in the Fall, Grecia Hernandez’perez.
One student will be attending John Hopkins University, Benjamin Onwi.
I am proud to recognize the students who will be athletes at the collegiate level:
Abby Murtaugh, Jacob Johnson, Eli West, Logan Baker, Trevor Thompson, Brianna Hodges, Alexa Powell, Ethan Spraker, Nathan Hayes, Isaac Howard, Syklar Mathis, Chelie Plaster, and Liah Davis. Hard work pays off!
In all William Byrd High will have 118 students pursuing higher education either at a trade school, two or a four year college.
Roanoke County Schools began a partnership with companies in the valley offering apprenticeships to qualified students. William Byrd had two seniors , Cole Stohler and Andrew Manor who worked an apprenticeship and were full time students.
Many of William Byrd students attended Burton Center for Arts and Technology. We have 55 students who have earned certifications in Cosmetology, Auto Service, Criminal Justice, Welding, Game Design and Programing, Mechatronics and Robotics, Computer Information Technology, Cyber Security, Building Trades, Motor Sports, Culinary Arts, and Center for Mass Communications. We had students complete the Visual and Performing Arts program also. Congratulations!
Each student graduating today is a symbol of success. I am so proud of all of you!
These accomplishments I have mentioned are made possible from all of you watching tonight who have supported your student and William Byrd High School . It is also a tribute to the dedicated staff of William Byrd High School who have made the commitment to our students to challenge them to be better and unlock their potential. Please join me in thanking the faculty who puts their heart into it every day in saying a job well done. (CLAP)
Today we say goodbye to two teachers who are retiring:
Coach Gene Riggs : a special education teacher and state championship baseball coach. Mr Riggs has been teaching for 33 years.
Mrs. Susan Baggerly: A special education teacher who lead the special education department at William Byrd. She has taught for 33 years.
Congratulations and we thank you for all you have done for the students and the leadership you have provided to the staff of William Byrd. We wish you well!
The next few years are important years. Continue to work hard just like you have the last four.
Franklin Roosevelt once said: “we may not be able to prepare the future for our children – but we can at least prepare our children for the future.”
We think we have done that.
You will be given advice the rest of your lives, but remember
1. Be productive
2. Be honest
3. Be thankful and
4. Be kind
Always have the golden attitude!
William Byrd High School nominates and elects one student who serves as the Top Terrier for the school. This year Emily Nicely served as the Top Terrier. Emily will be attending the University of Virginia where she will study nursing. Welcome Emily Nicely.
To the class of 2020,
Congratulations! It is an honor to be able to speak to all of you today. I am so thankful that you have allowed me to be this year’s Top Terrier. Thank you to my friends, family, teachers, and coaches who have supported and encouraged me throughout my time at William Byrd High School. Although we cannot physically be together at this time, I know we are united by the memories we have made and the time we have been able to share through the years. Together, we have endured hardships and commemorated triumphs.
As eighth graders, we mourned the loss of our friend and classmate, Levi Freeman, and, although I was not fortunate enough to know Levi personally, I came to know his loving and joyful character by the way his life impacted my friends. In high school, some of us shed tears during Coach George’s world history tests, but we also celebrated after completing our first AP exam. We have rallied together in the Dog Pound for our teams and their many victories, including the softball team’s State Championship last summer.
Today, we are elated as we graduate, but we mourn the loss of the end of our senior year and traditional senior activities. I believe that our class’s ability to withstand these unprecedented circumstances, especially those caused by the global pandemic, represent the class of 2020’s strength and resilience. After all, we will not be remembered by what we go through in life, but, rather, we will be remembered by our character, our response to adversity, and the influence we have on others’ lives.
The summers before and after my freshman year, I had the opportunity to participate in mission work in Detroit, Michigan. One day, my team and I went into the city to distribute supplies to a group of people who were homeless. As we handed out the items, we had the chance to talk and pray with the people there. To my surprise, the first man that I prayed with said that he wanted to pray for me and our team. This encounter may not seem like anything special, but it truly changed my perspective on life because someone who had close to nothing and most likely a very challenging life, wanted to pray for me.
While I hope all of you achieve your goals and dreams that you have set for the future, I want you to remember what it truly means to be successful. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
May the good Lord be with you
Down every road that you roam
And may sunshine and happiness
Surround you when you're far from home
And may you grow to be proud, dignified and true
And do unto others as you'd have done to you
Be courageous and be brave
And in my heart you'll always stay
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young
May good fortune be with you
May your guiding light be strong
Build a stairway to Heaven
With a prince or a vagabond
And may you never love in vain
And in my heart you will remain
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young, yeah
And when you finally fly away
I'll be hoping that I served you well
For all the wisdom of a lifetime
No one can ever tell
But whatever road you choose
I'm right behind you, win or lose
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young
For, forever young, forever young
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, teachers and faculty, and my fellow Class of 2020. My name is Bryant Humphries.
Like myself, many of you are probably thinking: I wish this never happened. I wish things didn’t end like this. I wish none of this was going on. In response, I’d like to quote Gandalf, a wise wizard from Lord of the Rings. He said, “So do I. And so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” We, as a class, have done so much with that time. I know that everything going on out there will overshadow a lot. But it can’t overshadow what we’ve have accomplished. So today, I’d like to talk about those accomplishments, and then leave you with my favorite song lyric.
I think many of you will agree with me when I say that I’ll look back on the class of 2020 with fondness and pride. There is so much that we have accomplished. We’ve had students participate in all types of clubs and organizations from sports to band to academics to community service. Some of these students and organizations have even competed and won at the state level. We’ve had an award-winning Dog Pound, who cheered on our volleyball, football, and basketball teams win or lose. We’ve had students commit to the armed forces. We’ve had students accepted into colleges all over the country. And we have students who plan to start their professional careers in the workforce. These are all amazing accomplishments that we should all feel proud of. I know the bad news out there is dominating our thoughts and actions, but let’s all remember everything we’ve done and how far we’ve come as a class in these past four years.
Now more than ever, I feel like we’ve become a community. Teachers and students alike are reaching out to one another, making sure we’re doing okay and seeing if there’s anything we can do for each other. This speaks volumes about our class. This speaks volumes about our amazing faculty. This tells anyone looking in that no matter what, William Byrd High School will persist and will continue to strive for excellency no matter the circumstances. No matter what is going on out there, in here we continue to strive to be the best we can possibly be not just academically, but as people. THAT’S what we’ve done with the time that’s been given to us.
I told you at the beginning that I’d leave you with my favorite song lyric, and I’m a man of my word. This comes from an Avett Brothers song called Head Full of Doubt/Road Full of Promise.
“Decide what to be and go be it.”
I love this lyric because it is beautiful in its simplicity. In a world that likes to put labels on people and arrange them in boxed in ideas of what they should be, this lyric encourages you to take control of your life. Look around, decide what you want to do in your life and do it. Now, this quote has two parts. The first is deciding what to be. This is both long term and short term. Decide what you want your career to be. Decide how you want people to remember you in the long term. But also decide to be a friend. Decide to be helpful. Decide to be courageous. Humble. Whatever you need to be. The second part is to go be it. You have to work hard for it. You have to put yourself in uncomfortable situations. It’s not enough to decide to be something. You have to step out of your comfort zone and take steps big or small to be what you want to. You have to stop thinking about what others might think during your journey and think instead how you’ll feel at the end of it.
Like I said earlier, “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” Decide what this time needs. Decide what you need to be for yourself. Decide who you’re going to be in these uncertain and anxious times. And go be it. Thank you and congratulations Class of 2020!
Hello everyone, my name is Kaylee Shrewsbury. Welcome friends and family, teachers, faculty, and most of all graduates of the class of 2020. On behalf of Principal Tammy Newcomb, I am honored to be standing in front of all of you to commemorate the memories and accomplishments of our great class. Our class has come together to be an intensely unified student body. A hearty thanks to my family and all those present today. Today is a day to be thankful for and to be inspired. We can be thankful for each other, the friendships that we have made here, and the many memories that will last a lifetime.
Four years ago, we came in with dreams and aspirations. Today, we are leaving with even bigger ambitions. The abundance of achievements of this class would not have been possible without the help, support, and guidance of our parents and teachers, counselors and coaches, and the overall inspiration from the entire school community. To these mentors, I say: Our success is your success, for you have given us the courage to dare, the knowledge to excel, and the belief that we can succeed. You have been there for us with encouragement and care; you have had faith when we doubted ourselves. You have instilled in us the self-confidence needed to reach for our dreams. For all of these things, we, the class of 2020, thank every single one of you.
I could go back and reminisce about the last four years. Instead I think it’s more important to focus on where we will be in the next four years. Whether it’s adjusting to a new environment, meeting new people, teaching futures generations, or building a career path, all of us must make sure the word success is associated with what we do. We must concentrate on enhancing our futures and setting great examples for those who love us and for those who will follow us. We must be tomorrow’s positive images. Our actions must make a statement and send a clear message. Wherever we come from, whatever we have, or don’t have, whatever our color, gender, or cultural background, we can be partners in success and we can achieve greatness together. In order to have high self-esteem, confidence, and motivation we must be willing to work diligently and have a keen understanding of how far we can go. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Let us leave a trail others will be proud to follow. If you feel at any point, that life is becoming too hard and that obstacles are coming from left and right. Please don’t panic. Remember that life will get better, if we have the right tools to work with. Tools like a positive attitude, an education, the right friends and fierce determination.
Class of 2020, it is up to all of you to make a difference, to have people say honorable things about you and leave the impression that you never gave up on yourselves. Society is counting on you. Excellence is never an accident- it’s the result of hard work. Go forward, work hard, and attain excellence; the kind of excellence that will make your dreams a reality. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers and administrators who worked so hard to help us reach this commencement ceremony. Thank you all for coming to witness this very special day.
Lastly, to the class of 2020, no matter which road you choose, no matter how long it may seem, let your heart be your guide along the way if you want to fulfill your dreams. No matter the detours, the road blocks or dark nights, continue your heart’s desire. Lift up your torch, and don't be afraid to set the world on fire. You are the light of a new day, shine for all to see! Carry your knowledge from this day forward, blaze a trail for history. No one will ever be quite like you! Remember this important truth! We all have a purpose in life, and it begins in our youth. Who you are now, and who you will become is determined by your soul, and with your dreams in your heart to lead the way you can conquer any goal! Be proud to be a terrier and wear it as a badge of honor, because once a terrier, always a terrier. Never forget to be more dog. Congratulations, happy graduation, and best of luck. Remember that graduation is not the conclusion of an achievement but simply the ending of one chapter and the beginning of another chapter.
At this time I am proud to announce the Valedictorians of the Class of 2020.
Olivia Faith Ashworth
Logan Gregory Baker
Camryn Danielle Band
Ethan Douglas Bowser
Sydney Marie Deitrich
Caroline Read Faulkner
Zachary Thomas Figart
Madeleine Kaye Glover
Jack Donald Halliwell
Elizabeth Sheridan Hancock
Eden Marie Harrilla
Emmy Caroline Harris
Grecia Hernandez-Perez
Zachariah Nathan Howard
Alec William Humphries
Bryant Thomas Humphries
Jacob Alan Johnson
Evelyn Darby Laherty
Gregory Harrison Lane
Haley Brooke Lawson
Auria Sara Martin
Jackson Warner Moses
Abigail Nicole Murtaugh
Emily Anne Nicely
Kelly Ann O'Connor
Benjamin Michael Onwi
Chloe Alyssa Pascoe
Olivia Grace Robertson
Daniel James Shelton
Kaylee Elizabeth Shrewsbury
Leah Catherine Shrewsbury
Ethan Amos Smith
Ethan Christopher Spradlin
Briahna Setsue Stacey
Mason Scott Stanley
Alison Rayeann Stoehr
Kaleigh Madison Stover
Emily Brynn Tardy
Hayley Abigail Ward
Claire Amelia Webb
Erin Noelle Wienke
Kayla Beth Witt
At this time, I’m proud to announce the graduates of the class of 2020.
Cheyenne Nicole Allison
Jeremy David Austin
Jaylen McKayle Baggatta
Kirsten Renee Bailey
Joshua Bradley Baldwin
Montana Sue Barber
Alexandra Leigh Barbour
Rachel Diane Barker
Luke Isaac Barrett
Garrett Lee Allan Beamer
Austin Nathaniel Behrens
Fiona Nevaeh Gwen Belcher
Ty Richard Blackwood
Clarissa Ann Blankenship
Logan Alan Bond
Caiden John Bowles-Manning
Jonathan Trea-Lee Boyd
Benjamin Joseph Brabham
Skylar Hope Brady
Jacob Marshall Brammer
Ryan Lee Brinn
Audrey Elizabeth Brown
Piper Leigh Brown
James Phillip Buchanan, III
Maegan Brooke Burnette
Kristina Elizabeth Calhoun
Travon Marcel Calloway
John Bradley Catron
Gavin Grey Chrisley
Wake McKennen Christopher
Jacob Thomas Clifton
Amiyah Nicole Clingenpeel
Bryce William Corkery
Cade Benjamin Crawford
Aliyah Michelle Creasy
Judson Robert Crowell
William Matthew Cummings
Gregory Blake Cundiff
Cameron Neil Dalton
Jonathan Cherokee Davis
Liah Mackenzie Davis
Chloe Ann Deal
Alexis Lauren Dean
Rachel Lee Deatherage
Ethan Matthew DeGeorgis
Grace Elizabeth Dillon
Stephanie Marie Dinnerville
Camden Rose Dippel
Benjamin Isaac Bradish Donahue
Chelsea Rebekah Doss
Alexis Nicole Downs
Wyatt Austin Early
Nicole Leanne Edmonds
Josiah Michael Elmore
Breanne Madison Evans
Robert Jameson Faust
Anna Maria Fenimore
Katlyn Dawn Ferguson
Kiely Anya Fletcher
Christopher Jay Floyd
Danica Sue Fralin
Bryce Alexander France
Michael Reid Froeschl
Ashlynn Nichole Gaddy
Evan William Garst
Collin J Glass
Jayden Mitchell Glass
Gabriel Eric-Martin Goad
Zachary Alexander Goad
Autumn Raine Goins
Ethan James Gray
John Paul Monahan Green
Olivia Hannah Grisso
Ronald Ian Grome
Zachary Cole Gross
Mason Leary Gunn
Bethany Nicole Hale
Cassidy Marie Hall
Nathaniel Dalton Hall
Logan Raylynn Hardman
Aimee Nicole Harrison
Cameron Ray Harshbarger
Naythan Wayne Hayes
Colby Ryan Hedrick
Hannah Nicole Helmintoller
James Ellis Henegar
Brianna Renae Hodges
Maryanne Liberty Hoffman
Justin Lewis Holdren
Arianna Yanae Holmes
Hunter David Howard
Isaac Brandon Howard
Kimberly Brook Hoyle
Shaun Michael-Tyler Hudson
Emily Grace Huff
Alexander James Huffman
Zacharie Joseph Hughes
Robert Teel Hurd
Brandon Robert Hyde
RoAnna Lauren Hylton
Mason Brian James
Alyssa Lynn Jamison
Joshua Phillip Jennings
Connor Patrick Johnson
Jacob Alan Johnson
Landon Alexander Johnson
Shakira Michelle Sophia Johnson
Isabella Marie Karnes
Nathaniel Evan Kelley
Chase Everett Kendall
Kamryn Lindsey Kilinski
Brianna Nicole King
Grace Olivia King
Jacob Lee Kingery
Kole Zeppelin Kingery
Amanda Grace Kline
Christopher Allen Kunc
Griffin Reyes Lane
Savanna Madison Lear
Zachary Allen Leffell
Kevin Moises Lemus Chavez
Jonah Allen Lilly
Kaitlyn Margaret Logan
Hannah Nicole Long
Lina Lopez
Darrick Anthony Love, Jr.
Michael Austin Lovell
Keaton Wesley Lyle
Quinn Alexander Lyle
Andrew Davis Manor
Jacob Aaron Marcus
Skylar Jo Mathis
Dominic Gabriel Matthews
Haley Evelyn Mattox
James Daniel May
Lucas Brandon McClanahan
Brian Randolph McCormack
Jaclyn Skye McPherson
Hunter McFall Meador
Justice Nicole Meador
Payton Lee Meadows
Tyler Logan Mills
Kyle Michael Montgomery
Joshua Samuel Moore
Kendall Anne Moore
Sullivan Conner Moore
Sloane Marie Morton
Gavin Daniel Mullen
Erica Jane Nutter
Eric Gregory Oliver
Kallie Danielle Parrish
Nathan Kyle Patrick
Gabriel Joseph Patton
Gabrayal Cail Pearce
Erica Christine Perrington
Madison Mackenzie Perritt
Chelie Jordan Plaster
Alexa Lauren Powell
Isabella Alexia Powell
Jared Thomas Power
Derek Robert Proffitt
Emily Kathleen Purcell
Spike John Philip Purcell
Christina Marie Reamey
Kayla Marie Rippey
JaTavion J'onray Roach
Kaycie Alyssa Robertson
Victoria Dallas Marie Robertson
Monica Yesenia Rodriguez'Muniz
Carver Ethan Rothrock
Khyree Dwayne Rowles
Aaliyah Sierra Saunders
Adam Michael Saunders
Robert Wayne Saunders
Shaheer Emanuel Saunders, Jr.
Adam Christopher Schneider
Gabriella Marie Schweiger'Bynaker
David Allen Scott
Luke Evan Seifert
Nicholas Warner Semones
Joseph Robert Shail
Paul Anthony Sheets
Taylor Savannah Shibley
Anthony Scott Smith
Brandon Matthew Smith
Cody Edward Southers
Nyoka Nykole Sparks
Caleb Ryan Speck
Jason Michael Spickard
Ethan Charles Spraker
Jason Matthew Stanley
Bradley Davis St. Clair
Abigail Grace Stinnett
Cole Linton Stohler
Timothy Nathaniel Strom
Nathan Tanner Sullivan
Taylor Nicole Suttenfield
Taylor Michelle Swayne
Jacob Donovan Thacker
Trevor Alan Thompson
Cameron Allen Trent
Abrigail Emerald Turner
Desmond Tasean Turner
Nicholas Allan Vassar
Dylan Scott Vess
Eden Denise Walls
Sarah Anne Webb
Victoria Raelit Webb
Noah Matthew Wells
Elijah Michael West
James Braydon Wilhelm
Ethan Thomas Wood
Morgan Ann Wood
Noah James Woolfolk
Graham Nicholas Workman
Renee Cherie Wright
Taylor Lee Wright
Scott Baker Wyatt
Stephanie Zaragoza Peña
Deanna Mae Zivelonghi
Congratulations Class of 2020…
Oh! That’s right! We’ve got one more thing to do!
Hit it guys!
Now that’s the way to be more dog! Congratulations class of 2020! And now would the class of 2020 please stand. And if alumni are watching, please stand as well. By the authority vested in me by the Commonwealth of Virginia, I declare you graduates of William Byrd High School. Please turn your tassels from right to left and remain standing. Congratulations, you did it! Stay tuned for the senior video produced by Josiah Elmore.
Congratulations to all the high school graduates out there. My name is coach Bennett and I’m the head coach at the University of Virginia, and I’m sincerely wishing you the best, whether it’s going on to college or whatever you’re going to do – a job well done to get through high school, and you guys are our future. We need you, and I know the future’s bright, so again, I wish you the best, and congratulations on this impressive accomplishment.
Congratulations William Byrd class of 2020! You’ve worked hard to achieve your goals. Chased your dreams with effort, passion and hard work. In the words of country singer Tim McGraw, always stay humble and kind.
Hey Roanoke County grads class of 2020, this is Tiki Barber, Cave Spring High School class of 1993. Now it goes without saying that this last semester of your senior year has been anything but ideal, but you persevered and you should be commended for that. It’s not easy missing all your spring activities or doing your homework from your bedroom or kitchen table but let me add my voice to the many who are going to tell you how proud they are. You guys succeeded through something very, very difficult. Congratulations and good luck to all of you in your future endeavors. I know that success will be right around the corner. Be well and stay safe.