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Health, PE, & Driver Education

Partners for Safe Teen Driving Meetings

As our teens prepare for the privilege of driving, we must do all we can to ensure their safety and the safety of those with whom they share the road.  Nine out of ten teen drivers identify their parents as having the greatest influence on driving behaviors. With that in mind, parents and the future teen drivers are invited to attend together one of the Partners for Safe Teen Driving presentations offered at each high school.

These presentations bring together parents, students, schools, law enforcement, and community resources to promote safe and responsible driving. The programs are open to the public, but the target audience is the PARENTS of students taking driver education this school year and their children. Student attendance is now required through legislation and parent attendance is highly encouraged since parents are the number one influence on teen driving behaviors.

The program agenda will include:
•    The unique characteristics and risks of teen drivers
•    The important role parents play in the teen driving experience
•    An overview of the driver education program
•    Teen traffic laws and the graduated licensing restrictions
•    Insuring the teen driver
•    A parent’s perspective of a teen crash

Parents and students may attend a presentation on any of the following dates. If the meeting at your child's school is not convenient, you are asked to attend a meeting at another school.  The programs begin at 7:00 p.m. and are approximately ninety minutes long. Your child is REQUIRED to attend a session based on state legislation (Code of Virginia: §22.1-205). If they do not attend one of the presentations, they will not be eligible to get their DEC-1 card and will be unable to take behind-the-wheel training. This will prevent them from being eligible to get their driver’s license. Parents must fill out an opt-out form if they are not going to attend, but this does NOT opt a child out of their requirement.

  • Sept. 30.- William Byrd High School
  • Oct. 9 - Northside High School
  • Oct. 21 - Hidden Valley High School
  • Oct. 29 - Cave Spring High School
  • Nov. 6 - Glenvar High School


Roanoke County Public Schools Health and Physical Education - Fit for Life


Mission Statement

To provide students with the skill, knowledge and experience they need in order to be healthy, physically active individuals throughout their lives.


Contact Us

Kevin Burcham
Supervisor of Health, Physical Education, and Driver Education
(540) 562-3900 x 10255


Health, PE and Driver's Ed Standards of Learning