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Final Assessment Appeals

In accordance with policy 6.16, if you wish to request an appeal for excessive absences based on: prolonged illness, hospitalization, doctor visits/directed bed rest, severe injury, and bereavement please complete the attached appeal form.  All absences considered under the appeal process must be supported by medical or supporting documentation.  The form is to be returned to the principal, with all the supporting documentation, by Friday, May 3 to be considered.

Students with incompletes will not be eligible for exemption from final assessments. All students, including those being considered for exemption status, must attend all review sessions held for a course. (Students are still responsible for all work; must maintain “A,” “B” status through the review sessions.)

The second semester grade for all non-dual enrollment students will be derived by averaging the third and fourth nine weeks’ grades.

Please see the criteria for exemption from final assessments below.

Exemption from final assessments

1. Criteria for Exemption from Final Assessments

A. Must be a student enrolled in any full-year credit bearing class, with the exception of classes taken for dual enrollment credit.  Students taking courses for dual enrollment credit must take all exams in conformance to the policies of the college and, therefore, are not eligible for exemption from final assessments.


B. Must have an A or B average in course for the second semester at the time exemptions are declared.


C. Students may not miss more than five days of school for the second semester for courses on the A/B day and seven days of school for the second semester for courses that meet daily (e.g. the Algebra 1 and Geometry courses at the middle school level). Exceptions include school-sponsored activities and nationally recognized religious holidays. Students must attend at least 50% of a class period in order to be counted present in a class for the purpose of exemption from final assessments.


D. If enrolled in a subject with an End-of-Course SOL test or industry certification, the student must have passed the corresponding SOL test or industry certification. English 10 and 11 students must have passed both the writing and RLR SOL tests, respectively.


E. Students may not be absent more than 13 full days during the entire school year (includes A and B days combined and not counting days absent for exam exemptions). Students must miss 100% of the school day to be considered as absent for a full day.

Roanoke County Public Schools has decided to delay the implementation of the final requirement (Students may not be absent more than 13 full days during the entire school year includes A and B days combined and not counting days absent for exam exemptions until the 2019-20 school year).  We will include a reminder notice about the modified exam exemption policy in the first-day of school online forms in July/August.

If you have any questions, please contact Mike Riley at (540) 562-3900 Ext. 10131 or at