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Research Requests

Roanoke County Public Schools (RCPS) recognizes the potential benefits of the school division’s participation in relevant, well-designed research and data collection activities conducted by qualified individuals, organizations, or institutions. Consideration will be given to proposed research studies that substantially benefit RCPS in its mission to educate students; result in no harm to students, employees, or other participants; ensure appropriate privacy protections; and impose no significant burden on RCPS staff nor disruption to school activities.

An application requesting approval to conduct research in RCPS must be submitted to the Department of Instruction. Applicants should allow up to 4-6 weeks for review. The review process will begin once the completed application has been received along with all required supporting documents. No research or data collection activities may be conducted in RCPS prior to obtaining written approval from the appropriate Director of Instruction.


Roanoke County Public Schools (RCPS) recognizes the potential benefits of the school division’s participation in relevant, well-designed research and data collection activities conducted by qualified individuals, organizations, or institutions. Consideration will be given to proposed research studies that substantially benefit RCPS in its mission to educate students; result in no harm to students, employees, or other participants; ensure appropriate privacy protections; and impose no significant burden on RCPS staff nor disruption to school activities.

An application requesting approval to conduct research in RCPS must be submitted to the Department of Instruction and Technology. Applicants should allow up to 4-6 weeks for review. The review process will begin once the completed application has been received along with all required supporting documents. No research or data collection activities may be conducted in RCPS prior to obtaining written approval from the appropriate Director of Instruction and Technology.


  • Approval of the proposed research activity will be determined using the following criteria:
  • the completeness of the application, including supporting documents
  • the relevance of the proposed research to the teaching and learning goals of RCPS
  • the compatibility of research activities with RCPS curriculum and programs
  • the rigor and quality of the research design
  • the support of cooperating RCPS administration (school principal or central administration)
  • the reasonableness of proposed timelines and absence of conflict with other RCPS efforts
  • the provision of adequate safeguards to ensure employee and student privacy
  • the potential burden to RCPS staff or disruption to school activities


  • To initiate the review process, applicants must submit three (3) paper copies or one (1) electronic copy of a packet that includes all of the following:
  • a completed RCPS Application for Approval to Conduct Research
  • a written statement of support from the cooperating RCPS administrator
  • if university-affiliated, a copy of the research protocol proposal submitted to IRB and IRB approval letter
  • a written narrative describing the components found in PART 3: RCPS RESEARCH PROTOCOL REQUIREMENTS of the RCPS Application for Approval to Conduct

Research if required components are not included in the IRB protocol.

  • a copy of informed participant consent form for adult participants 18 and over
  • a copy of cover letter and informed parental consent form for student participants under the age of 18
  • a copy of informed student assent form for student participants 12-17 years of age
  • a copy of the data collection instrument (e.g. survey, interview questions, test, observation instrument)

Neither the school division nor the name of any RCPS school may be identified in reports generated from research conducted in RCPS. No personally identifiable information (PII) concerning students, parents, or employees may be revealed in reports generated from such research. No PII will be disclosed to researchers except within the limits of an approved agreement from RCPS to conduct the proposed study or unless such disclosure is authorized by written consent of the employee or the parents/guardians of students under 18, and is consistent with School Board policies and state and federal law.


Mike Riley
Executive Director of Secondary Instruction
(540) 562-3900, ext. 10130


Research Request forms