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Parent Information


The vision of the Roanoke County Public School Library program is to empower students to learn technology and 21st-century skills incorporating collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking, and citizenship. 


The mission of the Roanoke County Public School Library program is to provide quality learning experiences designed to equip students with the skills to adapt and thrive in a changing global environment. The libraries extend and enhance the classroom experience: a place where students, teachers, and librarians can explore, learn, create, and collaborate. Librarians foster a love of reading and learning in addition to modeling and utilizing current technologies to assist students in becoming proficient and responsible users of information.



Common Sense Media is a website that provides parents with information and practical ideas on how to manage and police their child and the ever-changing media world around them. Videos and family guides are available on a wide range of topics.  The Common Sense Media curriculum is utilized in many of our classrooms and school libraries.

Common Sense Media