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Header - Client: Exam Days


In this section, a client-side script is provided to offer information about the current day and the next school or exam day. This JavaScript program relies on input data concerning school holidays, days off, and exam days.

  1. Start of the School Year Date (updateStartOfYearDate): This variable can be modified to reflect the actual start date of the school year. For example, if the school year starts on September 1st, 2024, the client can change the date like this: 
    var updateStartOfYearDate = new Date("2024-09-01");
  2. List of Days Off (updateListOfDaysOff): This list contains pairs of dates and descriptions of days off. The client can add, remove, or modify days off and their descriptions. Each date should be in the format "YYYY-MM-DD", and the description can be any string. For example, to add another day off on December 1st, 2024, with the description "National Holiday", the client can do this:
    var updateListOfDaysOff = [
        new Date("2024-05-12"), "Parent-Teacher Conferences",
        new Date("2024-10-04"), "Fall Break",
        new Date("2024-12-01"), "National Holiday"

  3. List of Exams (updateListOfExams): This list contains pairs of dates and descriptions of exams. Similar to the list of days off, the client can add, remove, or modify exams and their descriptions. For example, to add another exam on June 15th, 2024, with the description "Mathematics Exam", the client can do this: 
    var updateListOfExams = [
        new Date("2024-05-13"), "Final Exam for Subject X",
        new Date("2024-10-05"), "Final Exam for Subject Y",
        new Date("2024-06-15"), "Mathematics Exam"


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Unpaid Meal Charges

Students who do not have money on account or in hand to cover the cost of a meal at the time of service may be permitted to charge the meal.  Reasonable efforts are used to avoid calling attention to a student's inability to pay. 

Notice of negative balances in a student's meal account are sent to parents and the school principal.  Parents are expected to pay all meal charges in full by the last day of the school year. 

If a parent regularly fails to provide meal money or send food to school with the student and the student does not qualify for free or reduced benefits, the nutrition supervisor will inform the principal, who will determine the next course of action, which may include notifying the department of social services of suspected child neglect.

The superintendent or superintendent's designee ensures that federal child nutrition funds are not used to offset the cost of unpaid meals and that the child nutrition program is reimbursed for bad debt.  In order to accomplish those goals, the following procedures are followed:

Communications via automated phone calls, text message, email and U.S. mail are sent to parent or guardian with unpaid student meal charges.  Payment is requested and arrangements for a payment plan are offered, if necessary.

If the debt is not paid and the student has left the school district, it is considered bad debt for the purposed of federal law concerning unpaid meal charge.  This is reviewed and the nutrition program is reimbursed by the school board general operating funds.

Information can be found as part of RCPS Current Policies 9.14, Food Services.