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Special Education

Roanoke County Public Schools is committed to providing all children with opportunities to benefit from a public education. Special education programs and services are available to county residents who have children with special education needs. These programs and services are provided for children with disabilities whose second birthday falls on or before September 30 through the age of 21 years. Each student receives special education services designed to meet his or her individual needs. These programs are discussed and planned by school personnel, parents, and the student involved. Often instruction is carried out both in the regular and special education classrooms.

Each special education student's progress is reviewed at least yearly and his/her need for special services is reassessed at a minimum of every three years. Special education programs and services are provided by trained personnel in the following areas as defined by federal and state law: autism, deaf-blindness, developmental delay, emotional disability, hearing impairment, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, specific learning disability, speech and language impairment, traumatic brain injury or visual impairment including blindness.

Explanation of terms

Note: Your child’s educational records are kept at his/her school. You may contact your child’s principal if you would like to set up an appointment to review his/her educational records. Your child’s special education records are retained for five years after he/she graduates. You may contact the RCPS Special Education department at 540-562-3900 extension 10292 to discuss the process for requesting copies of special education records after a student graduates from Roanoke County Public Schools.