Center for Mass Communication
Program Information
As part of the Roanoke County Governor's STEM Academy at BCAT, the Center for Mass Communication provides a four-year course of study exploring all aspects of the communication process. Students will study the history and development of different media and their effects on individuals and society. Students will learn the skills necessary to analyze and create sophisticated communications. Other focus topics include marketing techniques, media, radio, and print production along with legal and ethical industry issues. A supervised internship in the areas of television, radio, web, and print media will be part of the four year course of study. For a quick video, click here.
Goals and Objectives:
• To provide students an opportunity to focus on the major elements of the communications industry including journalism and public relations;
• To afford students a hands-on experience in television, radio, web, and print media production;
• To equip students for success in college and beyond.
The Center for Mass Communication offers dual-enrollment options that may allow students to earn more than twenty-one credits toward their college career. Please speak to your child’s school counselor for information about this exciting opportunity.
In addition to the college credits awarded during the time at the Center for Mass Communication, students also participate in job shadowing and real-world internships with our business partners. This is an invaluable component of the program of study leading to strong letters of recommendation, summer employment, and post graduate career opportunities. Our current business partners include the following:
- Access Advertising and PR
- Blue Ridge PBS
- Carilion Clinic
- Firefli Media
- The Roanoke Times
- Red Velocity
- Roanoke County Schools Community - Relations Office
- Roanoke County Schools - Athletics
- M3: Grafix
- Roanoke Railyard Dawgs
- Spectra Event Managment/Berglund Center
- The O’Connor Group
- Wheeler Broadcasting (K92, Q99, 94.9, Star Country, Vibe100, and WFIR News/Talk)
- Greg Roberts Live
Our students consistently excel on AP, ACT, and SAT tests. High scores, along with a rigorous and well-rounded program of study, led to acceptance of these students to the following colleges and universities:
- Appalachian State University
- Christopher Newport University
- Clemson University
- DePaul University
- Drexel University
- George Mason University
- Hollins University
- James Madison University
- Longwood University
- Loyola University
- Lynchburg College
- Mary Washington University
- New York University
- North Carolina State University
- Ohio State University
- University of Texas
- Ohio University
- Penn State University
- Radford University
- Roanoke College
- Rochester Institute of Technology
- Savannah College of Art and Design
- Sewanee
- Stanford
- St. Edwards University
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- University of Richmond
- University of South Carolina
- University of Southern California
- University of Virginia
- Virginia Commonwealth University
- Virginia Tech
- William & Mary
- Yale
What criteria is used to consider a student’s acceptance to the Center for Mass Communication?
Quite a few things are taken into consideration when considering a student’s admission to the program.
Middle school grades in English and Social Studies are a major consideration for acceptance. Also considered is whether or not those English and social studies classes were pre-AP level classes. Many students not taking pre AP courses are admitted to the program so we don’t want that to discourage anyone from applying – it’s just that there’s a slight advantage for any given grade in a pre AP-class over a grade in a regular class.
SOL scores in English and Social Studies are also considered. Students coming from other states, private schools, or home schooling may be asked to take an assessment when they apply so we can have an objective measure to take into consideration.
Teacher recommendations are also used. We ask each applicant to submit the names of an English teacher, a social studies teacher, and another teacher choice who will offer a strong recommendation for acceptance to the program. Theses teachers may be current teachers or a previous year’s teacher. We will send each teacher a private recommendation survey and the results are a part of the admission consideration.
Each applicant submits an essay. These essays are objectively scored and the results are added to the student’s overall score for admission purposes.
Grades and SOL scores far outweigh the recommendations and essay results.
How many students get into Mass Comm each year?
We have 28 available spots each fall for rising freshmen.
When will I know if my child is accepted?
All applications must be completed and submitted by January 15, 2023. Notification of acceptance will begin March 10.
Will attending Mass Comm keep my child from taking electives or participating in sports or activites
No. There are occasions where scheduling conflicts arise but we make every effort to accommodate all course requests. In addition, Mass Comm students qualify for a free online class each year through RCPSOnline without having to meet the study hall requirement to qualify for a free class.
There are no after school obligations or requirements in Mass Comm. with the exception of the senior year internship.
When will my child go to BCAT for Mass Comm?
In their 9th, 10th, and 11th grade years, students attend Mass Comm at BCAT every other day from 7:30am to 11:00am. Students may take a bus, leaving from their base school at approximately 7am, or may provide their own transportation to BCAT. Students return to their base school via a BCAT bus or drive themselves. Senior schedules vary to accommodate internships but seniors usually only attend every other day in the afternoon.
The information mentions dual enrollment opportunities in Mass Comm. What does this entail?
Mass Comm students have a unique opportunity to receive dual enrollment credit as early as grade 9. Media Production and Web Design courses currently carry a dual enrollment option. Students must take and pass the Virginia Placement Test (VPT) at Virginia Western Community College prior to enrolling and pay the dual enrollment fee in early September to be eligible. We’ve never had a student fail the VPT and the fees, while varying year to year, are reasonable. So, as freshmen, Mass Comm students can start building a college transcript.
Are there any extra fees to be paid if one attends Mass Comm?
The only fee is a BCAT activity fee of $10.00
Am I required to provide my child with any special technology or equipment in order to attend?
No. Students have access to everything they need at BCAT. Mass Comm students are entrusted to borrow specialty equipment such as cameras and Macintosh computers to work on lengthy projects. Any special software is either installed on the student laptop or made available through web applications.
Application Checklist
Applications must be submitted by January 15, 2025 - no exceptions can be made.
- First, complete the Burton application and indicate Mass Communication as one of your top choices.
- Within a week or so of your Burton application, you will receive the Mass Communication application. Gather the following information prior to filling out your Mass Communication application:
- Student ID Number
- Best phone number to reach parent or guardian
- Name of your current school counselor
- Teacher Recommendation #1 – A Social Studies Teacher (required) (Collect only the EMAIL ADDRESS of this teacher. We will contact the teacher for the recommendation.)
- Teacher Recommendation #2 – Your Current English Teacher (required) (Collect only the EMAIL ADDRESS of this teacher. We will contact the teacher for the recommendation.)
- Teacher Recommendation #3 – A teacher of your choice. (The EMAIL ADDRESS of this teacher. We will contact the teacher for the recommendation.)
- Complete the following Writing Prompt on a Word document:
- "How has the use of media and communication impacted and changed our society over the last decade? In your opinion, what is the responsibility of media outlets such as television, newspapers, and social media networks in society today?" Please limit your response to 500 words. The selection committee will evaluate your response based on the following criteria:
- Ideas & Content (50%): Does the essay respond to the prompt? Is the essay creative in the response? Does the essay include relevant, detailed elaboration? Does the writer exhibit an understanding of the ethical issues involved in investigative journalism?
- Organization (25%): Does the essay have a strong introduction? Is the essay clearly organized, with well-transitioned paragraphs?
- Conventions (25%): Does the writer use proper writing conventions (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, etc.)?
Once completed, please save the document and be prepared to upload it during the application process.
- "How has the use of media and communication impacted and changed our society over the last decade? In your opinion, what is the responsibility of media outlets such as television, newspapers, and social media networks in society today?" Please limit your response to 500 words. The selection committee will evaluate your response based on the following criteria:
Program of Study
Courses taken at the Burton Center:
- Intro To Mass Communications
- Advance English 9 and 10
- AP/Dual English 11
- Graphic Communication I, II
- Communication Strategies
- Multimedia Storytelling
- Senior Seminar and Internship
- Mass Communication Capstone
Courses taken at the base school:
- All mathematics courses
- All Sciences courses
- All Social studies courses
- All Health and PE courses
- World Language courses
- All other electives
For further questions, please call or email:
Joe LeGault - Supervisor of English and RCSPOnline
540-562-3900 EXT 10252
Eric Salo - Director of the Center for Mass Communication
540-562-3900 EXT 29000