Visual Arts Application Checklist
The Center for Visual Arts offers a four-year advanced program for students who are talented and motivated in the visual arts. Students accepted into the program are immersed in creative visual art experiences to integrate studio work, research, critique aesthetics, and career opportunities. CVA provides internship opportunities, interaction with artists, businesses, and art museums. The program cultivates the development of critical analysis, problem solving, design skills, and professionalism.
If you are interested in being a part of this creative program, please complete the steps below.
Applications must be submitted by January 15 - no exceptions can be made.
Application Checklist
- First, complete the Burton application and indicate Visual Arts as one of your top choices.
- Within a week or so of your Burton application, you will receive the Visual Arts application. Gather the following information prior to filling out your Visual Arts application:
- Student ID Number
- Best phone number to reach parent or guardian
- Name of your current school counselor
- Teacher Recommendation #1 (Collect only the EMAIL ADDRESS of a teacher from whom you would like a recommendation. We will contact the teacher for the recommendation.)
- Teacher Recommendation #2 (Collect only the EMAIL ADDRESS of a teacher from whom you would like a recommendation. We will contact the teacher for the recommendation.)
- Experience / Honors / Recognitions (Please list the three most significant experiences, honors, or recognitions you have received in the visual arts, if any. If you do not have art-specific recognitions, you can enter other academic achievements.)
- Writing Prompt: How do you envision the Center for Visual Arts contributing to your growth? What do you hope to take away from your time in the program? (This question allows the Selection Committee to get to know you better. It is recommended that you write your prompt using a word processing program such as Microsoft Word and then copy/paste your response. Please limit your response to 500 words or less.)
- The best e-mail address for the Drawing Assessment to be sent to.
- January 17 - the drawing assessment will be emailed to the address indicated on the application.
- January 31 - deadline for submitting the drawing assessment.