Student Assessment & Research
Changes to K-2 Report Cards
Kindergarten and 1st Grade have had standards-based report cards for many years. Standards-based report cards tell parents how well students are progressing on specific skills rather than giving them a single letter grade for an entire course. This gives parents more specific information so they can better track and support their child’s learning. This year we are expanding standards-based reporting to 2nd grade. In addition to the expansion to 2nd grade, we have also changed the performance indicators and scale for each skill in the K-2 core areas to Proficient (85-100), Approaching Proficiency (70-85), Not Yet Proficient (0-69), and Not Assessed. We feel that this gives parents a more accurate picture of student achievement.
When analyzing a standards-based report card, there are a few differences that parents should know:
- Standards-based report cards show change over time. Students might not be “Proficient” in a skill in the first 9 weeks but will hopefully show growth throughout the year and finish at “Proficient.” This is particularly true for English/Language Arts and Math.
- Don’t worry if you see “Not Assessed.” It just means that the skill is either taught later in the year or students haven’t had a formal assessment of the skill yet.
- English/Language Arts and Math have new standards this year, so those indicators have changed. We also added individual standards for K-1 in science and social studies.
An example of the new 2nd grade report card is below.
Here is a short and simple video about standards-based grading that helps parents understand the process. (URL: or Google “Nampa Standards Based Grading”)
Please contact your child’s teacher or Ben Williams, Director of Assessment & Research, with any questions (
Contact Us
Director of Assessment & Research
Ben Williams
(540) 562-3900, ext. 10257
Administrative Specialist
Dianne Hankins
(540) 562-3900, ext. 10201