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SOL Testing Information

2024-2025 School Year SOL Testing Information

This year the state is assessing new standards in mathematics, and is transitioning to new standards in English/Language Arts.  The SOL tests will be completely new in math courses and the reading tests will use old questions but only cover content in common between the old and new standards.  

SOL Testing will take place in the following courses:

3rd Grade: Reading, Mathematics

4th Grade: Reading, Mathematics, and Virginia Studies

5th Grade: Reading with the IRW writing component, Mathematics, and Science

6th Grade: Reading, Mathematics,

7th Grade: Reading, Mathematics

8th Grade: Reading with the IRW writing component, Mathematics, Science, and Civics/Economics.

High School: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, English 10 Performance Assessments (Writing), English 11 Reading, Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, World History I, World History II/AP World History, and US/VA History.

High school students who have already met their graduation requirements in a subject and have met federal participation requirements may not have to take some of these SOLs.  For example, most students do not need to take Chemistry, World History II, and US/VA History.   Some students have also taken Algebra I or Geometry in middle school and don't need to take those SOLs in high school.