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It is the goal of the transportation department to safely deliver student to and from school each day in as efficient a manner as possible. Our fleet of 151 buses cover more than two million miles a year and transport about 90% of the entire student population each day.

We consider it a privilege to be a part of your child's school experience and we will do everything we can to ensure the safety of every student.

Parent Information

All times given on the bus routes are approximate and may vary depending on traffic, trains, number of students, and other factors.

Students should be at their stops at least 5 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive, as outlined in the student handbook.

Students must be standing at their designated stop when the bus arrives. If your child is not standing at the stop, they may miss the bus.

Note: Bus stops are not made on a door-to-door basis.

The stops given on the route pages are the ONLY designated stops the buses are currently scheduled to stop. Your child is expected to report to the nearest designated bus stop to your address. If there is no designated bus stop near your address listed, please call your school or email

Transportation will evaluate each stop request on an individual basis, taking into consideration the locations of established stops and the safety of any proposed stops.

Please do not ask the school bus driver to alter their route or add stops. Contact your child's school or email if a route change is desired or needed.

Bus routes and designated stop locations may change throughout the school year or from year to year as student populations fluctuate.

First page of the PDF file: BusDriverRecruitmentFlyer


Jerry Hubbard

Transportation Supervisor of Operations
540-562-3900 ext. 12003

Kathy King

Transportation Supervisor of Administration
540-562-3900 ext. 12005

Linette Christley

Admin. Asst. (Routing & Field Trips)
540-562-3900 ext. 12002

Linda Johnson

Admin. Analyst (Finance)
540-562-3900 ext. 12004

Cody Underwood

Parts Manager
540-562-3900 ext. 12012

JoAnne Robinson

Adminstrative Assistant
540-562-3900 ext. 12000

Brian Simmerson

Transportation Route Manager
540-562-3900 ext. 12001

Chuck Spradlin

Shop Foreman
540-562-3900 ext. 12011


Note: If you have an emergency, please call your child's school.


Mailing address:

Roanoke County Public Schools
Transportation Department
701 South Market Street
Salem, VA 24153