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Bus Routes

The bus routes have been created with the student information available when they were published.  Bus routes and stop locations may change throughout the school year or from year to year as student populations fluctuate.

ALL TIMES ARE ESTIMATED ONLY and will be adjusted as necessary throughout the school year. Students should be at their stops at least 5 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. Students must be AT THE STOP when the bus arrives.  Our buses may be a little late during the beginning of the school year due to new student orientations. We appreciate your patience and cooperation.

PLEASE BE AWARE that routes change throughout the school year. The most current routes will be posted here.
Note:  Bus stops are not made on a door-to-door basis.

To search for a specific street, begin by selecting the school from the list.   When the lists come up, click on the image of the first page to view the AM or PM list full screen.  Depending on your browser, you may need to download the file before the search feature is activated.