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CSHS, NHS, & WBHS students participate in VT Honor Choir


CSHS, NHS & WBHS students at VT Honor Choir


On October 18 & 19, high school students from across the state of Virginia gathered for VT Honor choir. Students were invited to participate by recommendation of their high school choir directors. Rehearsals began on Friday afternoon and the event culminated in a concert at the world-class Moss Arts Center on Saturday afternoon in conjunction with the choirs of Virginia Tech. While there, students rehearsed with the VT choral faculty, toured the campus and learned about the admission process and also enjoyed a social with all Honor Choir participants. Three Roanoke County high schools opted to nominate and send students to the event. Congratulations to these students for the body of work necessary for them to have received this nomination to participate and for representing Roanoke County at this event.
Cave Spring Participants
Kyrstin Bratcher-Davis
Isabella Christensen
Aiden Jones-Thomas
Ran Landes
Laine Pennylegion
William Richardson
Piper Walk
Kaylee Wilsher
Northside Participants
David Brown
Blake Kroeger
Teagan LaVelle 
Jaxson Leddy
William Byrd Participants
Alyssa Adams
Lily Duffy
Brooke Hershel
Megan Higgins
Owen Humphreys
Christian Parker
Brody Parrish
William Thompson
Connor Wheeler